Why you should pick heavy things up and put them down again: carrying edition
When I talk about not just doing crunches as core work, this is not NOT what I mean 😉
Load carrying is a phenomenal full body exercise that challenges core stability AND BONUS: grip strength!
Plus it’s really freaking applicable to life (like when you’re proving a point by carrying all the groceries in on one trip 💪)
Load carrying exercises are foremost: really dope and productive for core strength. They are also stellar for upper and lower body strength.
Carrying exercises will translate to better performance in other exercises because they create head-to-toe tension, creating a strong mind-body connection.
They improve grip strength, which means being able to lift MORE.
Add lighter carries to the top of your workout for a warmup, or
Add heavier carries to the end as a finisher
If you've been sleeping on carries, think again!